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Washoku for All
KINSARYU Yanagihara Cooking Scho

"Learn to make authentic traditional Japanese cuisine online."
Let's start with us!

The course accredited by Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Japan.

This online school is for the people who want to start learning Japanese cooking

・・but are not satisfied with searching for information alone on the internet

・・cannot master dishes even after reading recipe books

・・and are also interested in Japanese culture

・・and want to go to a Japanese cooking school but cannot find one near

・・are very eager to learn authentic dishes from a good teacher

You can start learning authentic, traditional Japanese cooking in a methodical manner in one place.

In the Entry Course Level 1 , you can learn basic cooking techniques and theories on making dashi, cooking rice, simmering, grilling, steaming, cutting raw fish, and more. Furthermore, you will be able to touch the heart of Japanese culture by learning washoku and will experience a new world!


The knowledge and skills that you learn here will guide you throughout your washoku life.

You can earn a Kinsaryu Entry Course Level 1 certificate upon completion of this course. With this certificate, you will be able to take further levels of online courses.

Washoku for All
Naoyuki Yanagihara
CEO and Executive chef of Yanagihara Cooking School

Picture of Naoyuki Yanagihara CEO and Executive chef of Yanagihara Cooking School

Naoyuki Yanagihara was born in Tokyo in 1979.

Doctor of Philosophy in the field of Fermentation Science and Technology.

He has various international experiences and regular appearance on Japanese TV and in other media. He teaches at Yanagihara Cooking School located in Akasaka Tokyo.

In 2015, I was on an airplane heading to New Zealand. I had seven pieces of luggage, each as big as myself. Those bags were packed tightly with kitchen utensils, and Japanese dishes like lacquered bowls and ceramics. I took those dishes and utensils so that the foreign students could touch them and feel the culture of Japan.


Is Japanese cuisine accepted by students abroad? I was on the verge of bursting from anxiety, just like my overstuffed bags. This was the very inception of my 3-month journey of teaching washoku while traveling all over New Zealand, Brazil, Canada, and the U.S. That was the mission as Cultural Envoy given to me by the Agency for Cultural Affairs of Japan.


Japanese cuisine is becoming something that is not only for Japanese people but for people all around the world. Just as "French cuisine" and " Judo" which have already become popular worldwide, allowing everyone to enjoy their charm, more people will enjoy washoku if it becomes more familiar to people around the world. In this way, washoku itself will grow and develop. My wish is to convey and share what we believe to be beautiful and delicious.


Having arrived in Auckland NZ, I headed to the first school of my trip. A three-day class of Japanese cooking. That was an intensive class, consisting of a half day of lectures, demonstrations, and workshops for three days. On the first day of the class, I was impressed by the students' positive attitudes and constructive questions, and their comments that gave the whole class a sparkle. I was very glad that they were so interested in Japanese cooking and that was the very moment that I became certain that I'd be able to continue this trip of sharing Japanese cooking.


This experience evoked my passion to convey washoku to the world and launch online courses.


Our motto is “Washoku for All”

I’m very excited to be able to launch this online program at last. My new journey has began. I hope to keep on walking on the way of washoku and share the joy that it brings with all of you.

What is The KINSARYU 茶流

Entry Course

Certification of Cooking Skills for Japanese Cuisine.

We provide easily comprehensible programs allowing you to study proper Japanese cooking in a methodical and systematic manner.


You can learn the basic techniques and theories of Japanese cooking in 29 videos on 11 themes, starting with the principals of Japanese cooking, and covering the techniques of simmering, grilling, frying, steaming, dressing food with sauce, cutting raw fish, and more.

Once you have learned the basics here, you will be able to cook and enjoy authentic Japanese dishes at home.


You will learn not only Japanese cooking but also the associated Japanese culture, history, table manners, and presentation. We would like you to experience and learn truly authentic Japanese cooking at this program as the first step of your learning of washoku.

This experience will guide you through the fulfilling journey of Japanese cooking in your life.

The picture is to cut fish to make horse mackerel mixed with shiso leaves.
The picture is when Naoyuki Yanagihara is talking about the ingredients for the lessons.
The picture is when mixing egg to make kakitama soup.
Let’s learn how to thinly cut cucumbers to make a dish “cucumber and whitebait in vinegar sauce”.
You will also learn thinly slicing daikon into a long strip to make garnish for sashimi.


Entry Course Level 1

  29 videos including 20 recipes / Total 5h42m / Valid for one year  


Picture of "Naoyuki Yanagihara"

About washoku


Section1 | Principles of Japanese cuisine

Picture of "Wash rice"

1. How to wash and cook rice


Picture of "Katsuo-bushi and Konbu"

2. The ingredient of dashi


Picture of "Soy sauce and Mirin "

3. About seasonings


Picture of "measuring soy sauce"

4. How to measure ingredients


Picture of "Knives"

5. About knives


Picture of "Saucepans and Otoshibuta"

6. Saucepans and otoshibuta


Picture of "Chopsticks"

7. About table manners


Picture of "Wash fish"

8. About hygiene


Section2 | Rice

Picture of "Tekka-don / Tuna sushi bowl"

9. Tekka-don / Tuna sushi bowl


Picture of "Go-moku takikomi-gohan / Rice cooked with variety of ingredients"

10. Go-moku takikomi-gohan /

10. Rice cooked with variety of ingredients


Picture of "Oyako (Nishiki) -soboro / Crumbled chicken and egg bowl"

11. Oyako (Nishiki) -soboro /

11. Crumbled chicken and egg bowl


Section3 | Soup

Picture of "Oyako (Nishiki) -soboro / Crumbled chicken and egg bowl"

12. Spinach and shiitake kaki-tama soup


Picture of "Tofu and wakame miso soup"

13. Tofu and wakame miso soup


Section4 | Simmered food

Picture of "Niku-jaga / Simmered Beef and Potato"

14. Niku-jaga / Simmered Beef and Potato


Picture of "Simmered pumpkin"

15. Simmered pumpkin


Section5 | Grilled / Stir fried food

Picture of "Shigi-yaki eggplant / Grilled eggplant with miso paste"

16. Shigi-yaki eggplant /

16. Grilled eggplant with miso paste


Picture of "Two kinds of kimpira / Two kinds of stir fried vegetables"

17. Two kinds of kimpira /

17. Two kinds of stir fried vegetables


Section6 | Dressed food with sauce

Picture of "Asparagus and carrot shira-ae / Asparagus and carrots in tofu dressing"

18. Asparagus and carrot shira-ae /

18. Asparagus and carrots in tofu dressing


Picture of "Cucumber and whitebait su-no-mono / Cucumber and whitebait in vinegar sauce"

19. Cucumber and whitebait su-no-mono /

19. Cucumber and whitebait in vinegar sauce


Section7 | Raw food

Picture of "Horse mackerel seiso-ae / Horse mackerel mixed with shiso leaves"

20. Horse mackerel seiso-ae /

20. Horse mackerel mixed with shiso leaves


Picture of "Sardine san-bai-zu / Sardines sashimi in vinegar"

21. Sardine san-bai-zu / Sardines sashimi in vinegar


Section8 | Fried food

Picture of "Age-dashi-dofu / Deep fried tofu"

22. Age-dashi-dofu / Deep fried tofu


Picture of "Tonkatsu / Breaded pork cutlet"

23. Tonkatsu / Breaded pork cutlet


Section9 | Steamed food

Picture of "Tomato chawan-mushi / Savoury steamed egg with tomato"

24. Tomato chawan-mushi /

24. Savoury steamed egg with tomato


Picture of "Manila clam saka-mushi / Sake-steamed clams"

25. Manila clam saka-mushi / Sake-steamed clams


Section10 | Noodle

Picture of "Kaki-tama soba / Egg drop soba"

26. Kaki-tama soba / Egg drop soba


Section11 | Sweets

Picture of "Awa zenzai / Sweet red bean paste over fox millet"

27. Awa zenzai /

27. Sweet red bean paste over fox millet


Picture of "Mizu-yokan / Red bean jelly"

28. Mizu-yokan / Red bean jelly


The Yanagihara Cooking School is officially accredited by the Japanese Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF) to issue certificates to foreign students who complete the course.

KINSARYU logo and Taste of Japan(Authentic Japanese Cuisine) logo

Upon completion of the Entry Course Level 1 and Level 2, you will be able to obtain the bronze level certificate from the MAFF. Entry Course Level 2 is to be released in 2025.


To become the cook or the chef of a Japanese restaurant, continuous learning and experience with Japanese cooking is necessary. There are also Silver and Gold medal levels of certification (which are beyond the scope of this program). In order to receive Silver medal or higher, you have to take more than one year of lessons and/or work for more than a year in the restaurant industry in Japan. For more information about Certification of Cooking Skills for Japanese Cuisine, check the website of MAFF.

Choose a Pricing Option

Please note that "KINSARYU Yanagihara Online School" registration is required to use this service.

KINSARYU Online Entry Course Level 1

KINSARYU Online Entry Course Level 1 Certificate

29 videos including 20 recipes / Total 5h42m / Valid for one year / Cancellation policy

To be release in Autumn

KINSARYU Online Entry Course Level 2

KINSARYU Online Entry Course Level 2 Certificate

To be release in 2025

Looking for Bulk Enrollment for Your School?

Bulk Licenses and alternative payment options are available!

Please contact us using this from or directly via

to discuss options and save on bulk enrollment.

images of Japanese food ingredients



Maria Cobo

Kinsaryu Yanagihara School of traditional Japanese cuisine Learning since 2015 (At Akasaka school) Instructor (Kinsaryu Koushi) since 2021

I chose to follow the path of Japanese cuisine and from the very beginning, the Kinsaryu Yanagihara Cooking School offered an excellent learning environment, one that not only allows students to gain skills and learn techniques in Japanese culinary, but also the unique and immense richness of Japanese culture. Learning about Japanese food culture and its changing seasons through food and recipes that have been passed down from generation to generation has been an enriching and life-changing experience. Learning Japanese food culture has changed my view of food culture as an integral part of a nation’s identity.


Ryan Ward

Kinsaryu Yanagihara School of traditional Japanese cuisine Learning since 1999 (At Akasaka school) Senior professor (Kinsaryu Sei-Kyojyu) since 2010

I can easily recommend the Yanagihara Cooking School for anyone who wants to learn high quality Japanese cooking. Everyone there, starting with Naoyuki-sensei, is passionate about food and cooking. The demonstrations cover all of the techniques and key points required for successfully making a dish, as well as interesting cultural notes and stories. Then, during the cooking time there is plenty of guidance and assistance. And most importantly, the food really is delicious!


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How much time is needed to complete the study materials?

Total viewing time of the course is about 5.5 hours.

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How long will I have access to the videos?

You have access to the video for one year.

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Can I download the videos?

The videoas are not available to download.

They are available online when logged in to your Teachable account.


If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

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KINSARYU - Yanagihara Cooking School

1 -7-4, Akasaka , Minato Ku, Tokyo To, 107-0052, Japan

+81 3 3582 0707

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